Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Love Is In The Jar

~  Love Is In The Jar  ~

Get ready to A Whole New Year of 2013! Remember to Laugh a lot...Love a lot...Dream a lot! RS. 

Mini Albums (Custom Made)

~  Ginette's Mini Album  ~

~  Baby Boy's Mini Album  ~

Both mini albums are Made to Order....

Mini X'mas Note Book 2012

~  Mini X'mas Note Book for Leela  ~
For my friend living in Australia.. Merry X'mas and A Happy New Year Leela!

Pebble Drawing

~  Pebble Drawing  ~
Just for fun! hehe....

Coasters (Custom Made)

~  X'mas Coasters  ~

~  Owls Coasters  ~

X'mas Tag (Custom Made)

~  X'mas Tag  ~
6" x 4" x'mas tags ordered by a friend of mine for her son's teachers. What a nice mummy she is....This x'mas tag is big enough to put photos and hang it on the wall or notice board.

X'mas Tree Ornaments (Custom Design)

~  X'mas Tree Ornaments  ~
Christmas is here and one of my long lost friend invited me to conduct a class on a recycle arts. She asked me "Can we do something on the toilet rolls as a recycle arts craft at her private X'mas party?" Y not? Thus I came out with these ideas. It can be hang on the x'mas tree or even as candy bag for the children.

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Taryn's Book Cover Design

~  Dawn's P3 Classmate  ~
Taryn. A lovely, fun-loving, quiet and helpful little girl. One of Dawn's best friend, P3, 2012. She has got an excellent grade for her attitude and behaviour in class. Well Done Taryn!

Jacob's Dinosaurs

~  Dawn's P3 Classmate  ~
Jacob is a talented boy in Arts. He has got great interest in arts and he loves dinosaurs. He knows how to appreciate arts from the way he commented on any art piece that set upon his eyes. He never fail to help his classmates with any art requests, i.e.: drawing and model making.  Wishing him with excellent achievement in his future arts.

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Kindness Week 13 Nov 2012

~  Dawn's Kindness Week  ~
For Dawn's beloved Form Teacher Ms Madihah and Co-form Teacher Sun Wei Wei Lao Shi, P3 Gracious. We did these huge flowers together, she designed and decorated it, I helped to glue them on.

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Dawn's Science Project

~  Dawn's Science Project  ~
3Rs - Recycle, Reduce, Reuse. A recent project I did with Dawn. I called it as "Cherie Mini Album" created from toilet rolls, outdated calendar and some unwanted wrapping papers. Dawn said: "Mummy, can I give this to my science teacher as a gift"..."Y NOT?"...my replied? And she ~ Happy like a bird flying up high!

Thursday, 20 September 2012

3D Bear

~  3D Bear  ~
3D bear was made from paris plasters with a mold. Was given to one of my trainee as a gift.

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Wedding Mini Album

~  William & Joelin  ~

A little wedding gift for my friend Joelin and William on their church wedding,
30 June 2012. So touching.....at their Church Wedding! So happy for them too....CONGRATULATION!

Monday, 10 September 2012

Pie Tin's Altered Arts

~  Pie Tin's Scrappy by Jessie  ~

~  Pie Tin's Scrappy by Dawn  ~

~  Pie Tin's Scrappy by Nigel  ~

Clay Bookmarks

~  Clay Painting  ~

For the brother and sister, Brog and Pia, my former art students. They are well discipline, full of curiosities and always ready to learn. 

Handmade Flowers

~  Handmade Flowers  ~


~  Dawn & Nigel  ~
My lovely girl and boy...
The most wonderful thing in life is to see them grow and be with them till they are ready to be on their own...

~  Dawn & Nigel  ~

~  Dawn  ~

~  Nigel  ~

Interested in creating one for yourself or friends? Or maybe an afternoon craft session get-together? Class for Scrapbooking is available. Send me an email at jessiejade@rocketmail.com for enquiry.

Monday, 3 September 2012

Book Cover Designs

~  Book Cover Design  ~
For my beloved friend, Leela...
The black background book cover was the pioneer book I did, can't remember when was it...After that I was inspired to create more book cover designs. The book on the right was designed in 2011.

Scrapbooking Zoo

~  Waterplay At The Zoo  ~
LOOK! They are enjoying on a hot summer's Sunday! And mummy? Busy taking photos under the HOT HOT sun...hmmm...but it is worth it...
When they are happy, I'm happy...Learn to enjoy your motherhood.

Friday, 31 August 2012

Book Cover Designs

~  Book Cover Design  ~
For my beloved daughter, Dawn.... Mummy Loves You!

~  Book Cover Design  ~
For my beloved son, Nigel....Mummy Loves You Too!

Book Cover Designs

~  Book Cover Design  ~
My daughter, Dawn and myself did this cover design for her classmate Xin Yi, as her birthday gift. And later I got to know her mum and have a little chats, she's a graphic designer like me. What a small world?

~  Book Cover Design  ~
A little book for my colleague's daughter, Fiona, 
a sweet and helpful beautiful girl like her mummy.

~  Book Cover Design  ~
A little book for my colleague who appreciates beautiful stuff.

Interested in creating one for yourself or friends? Class for Book Cover Design is available. Send me an email at jessiejade@rocketmail.com for enquiry.

Saturday, 25 August 2012

Memo Pad

~  Memo Pad  ~

Here Comes Trouble!
Is a handmade memo pad. Blue cut paper inside. 
Was looking at the black cat sticker and I had pet's pattern papers. Suddenly 'DING', an idea.... so why not?

Ribbon Dispenser Altered Art

~  Ribbon Box  ~
A ribbon dispenser, especially for my partner, Ms Adeline, my co-Chinese teacher. She's a humble and kind person. I was blessed to have her as my first partner in a whole new environment of teaching. She taught me things like how to respect people. To be respected, you have to respect others first! She really earned my respect for her. Thank you Ms Adeline...

Friday, 24 August 2012

Pencil Holder Altered Art

~  A Pencil Holder  ~
This pencil holder was made as a gift for my daughter's classmate, Xin Ni. I always tell my daughter do not just take, you must give in return. I remembered my daughter was very popular when she was in P1.. I felt so relieved and great knowing she has many friends and doing well in school.

Planning for your Little Prince or Princess's Birthday Party? Invite me to conduct a fulfilling craft session with the children, have fun doing craft and bring back their own creation. Email me at jessiejade@rocketmail.com for enquiry.

Tri Box Altered Art

~  Tri Box  ~
This triangular box reminded me of Magnolia Milk Packaging, my father sold them in his coffee shop..... It should be during the 70s and beginning of 80s.... Those were the days....Time really flies!

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Book Cover Designs

~  Book Covers Design  ~
These book covers are my earliest designs.

Interested in creating one for yourself or friends? Class for Book Cover Design is available. Send me an email at jessiejade@rocketmail.com for enquiry.

Birthday Card

~  Birthday Card  ~
For our beloved Principal, with all the wishes from all the teachers and staff of BH.
A colleague and myself figured out this design, we have a good time discussing about it. The outcome was worth my stay in school after my office hour to finish up this 3D greeting card.

Owl Box Altered Box

~  Wise Owl  ~
Another project with wise owl....

Monday, 6 August 2012

Wise Owls Altered Art

~  Wise Owls  ~
Suddenly has an urge to explore all colours on this project.
And WHOO WHOO, I did it!

Memo Pads

~  My Cuties Japanese Memo Pads  ~
Always like their kimono. How I wish I can go there again! What a nice memory to be there for a culture exchange with the international art students 
and staying at the REAL Japanese house! 
What an experience!

Sunday, 5 August 2012

Vintage Wooden Box Altered Art

~  Vintage Box  ~
Did a decoupage box session with my friends, box sponsored by one of them. Big Thanks to her! We have lots of fun exploring decoupage on wooden box together. 
A great afternoon well spent!